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State of St. Louis Workforce : : Workforce Solutions Group : : St. Louis Community College. Save the Date: Aug. State of St. Louis Workforce Event. St. Louis Community College at Forest Park. The Mildred E. Bastian Theatre.

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Oakland Ave, St. Louis 6. Admission is complimentary, but reservations are requested. Co- sponsored by the St. Louis Business Journal, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and HEC- TV. HEC- TV will broadcast the event live on August 9, 2. What Is Atg Patch In Oracle Apps Technical Interview.

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View the live stream at http: //www. Download the latest information. The 2. 01. 6 State of St. Louis Workforce report was released at the August 1. Forest Park campus. Video: 2. 01. 6 State of St.

Louis Workforce Report by Alan Spell. In this You. Tube video Alan Spell, Research Manager at MERIC, presents the findings of the 2. State of St. Louis Workforce Report. Alan summarizes our new research on the St. Louis economy, focusing on the results of an employer survey of manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation & logistics employers and interview with key sector leaders - providing insights on today's economy, finding the right people, job applicants & skilling up, and bridges to opportunities. Read article and watch video. Video: Reactions to the 2.

State of St. Louis Workforce Report. Watch the insights and reactions to the 2. State of St. Louis Workforce report focusing on Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Transportation & Logistics by Dr. Jeff Pittman, Chancellor, STLCC; Mike Downing, Director, Missouri Dept. Roderick Nunn, Executive Vice President, Head of Education & Employment, Concordance Academy; Mike Eggelston, Federal Reserve Bank; Michael Holmes, SLATE; John Frederick, State & Local Government Relations, The Boeing Company; Dr. Larry Johnson, Provost, STLCC- Forest Park; Barbara Fraser, St.

Louis County Executive's Office; and Jason Overby, Chief Operating Officer, FW Warehousing. Read article and watch video. Photo Gallery From 2. State of St. Louis Workforce Event.

Enjoy our assortment of photos from this year's event. The State of St. Louis Workforce Report is brought to you each year by the Workforce Solutions Group of St. Louis Community College. View photos. St. Louis Community College Releases 2. State of St. Louis Workforce Report.

St. Louis Community College presented the eighth annual State of St. Louis Workforce Report highlighting key talent development issues for the region. The report, compiled by the college’s Workforce Solutions Group, includes an employer survey that tracks trends in employment, highlights hiring practices and gauges employers’ perceptions on a range of workforce issues. It also includes conversations with key industry leaders providing more in- depth understanding of the issues industry faces in addressing their employment and talent development needs.

The findings were released to nearly 4. Forest Park campus. The event included a presentation of the findings and reactions by a panel of leading employers facilitated by Jeff L. Pittman, Ph. D., Chancellor, St. Louis Community College. Attendees had an opportunity to participate in small group discussions after the report. The event aired live on HEC- TV network.

Read article. 2. 01. State of St. Louis Workforce Report. St. Louis Community College unveils the findings of our eighth annual “State of St. Louis Workforce Report.” The 2.

Read article. HEC- TV broadcast the event live on August 1. View the recording of the 2. State of St. Louis Workforce Report at the STLCC - Forest Park campus HEC- TV broadcast. State of St. Louis STEM Workforce 2. Photo of Alan Spell presenting the State of St. Louis STEM Workforce Report on Sept.

The Workforce Solutions Group invites you to download the 2. State of St. Louis STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Workforce Report. Discover and review the latest STEM workforce research and intelligence that examine issues such as: The recovering economy. A very competitive labor market.

The premium on knowledge workers. The supply and demand for STEM talent. How to develop the region's STEM workforce. The need for qualified STEM graduates. Read more about the event: STLCC’s Latest STEM Workforce Research Uncovers Perceptions on Talent, Employment Growth.

St. Louis Community College’s Workforce Solutions Group presented the State of St. Louis STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Workforce Report highlighting assessment, analysis and review of the latest STEM workforce research and intelligence. The findings were released today to nearly 4. STLCC’s Forest Park campus as part of a St.

Louis Business Journal seminar series. A panel of distinguished corporate executives representing key employing industries also provided a robust discussion of key findings from the regional survey of more than 5.

STEM- related industries. Infographic: State of St.

Louis STEM Workforce 2. Our 4- page summary infographic tells the St. Louis STEM workforce story in five clusters: Why STEM?, Finding the Right Skills, Finding the Right People, STEM Pays, and Employer Outlook. Photo Gallery From 2. State of St. Louis STEM Workforce Event.

Enjoy our assortment of photos from this year's event. The State of St. Louis Workforce Report is brought to you each year by the Workforce Solutions Group of St. Louis Community College. HEC- TV Presents: The 2. State of St. Louis Workforce Focusing on STEMSt. Louis Community College’s Workforce Solutions Group presents the annual State of St. Louis Workforce Report at the STLCC - Forest Park campus on September 1.

Louis Business Journal sponsored the event, which focused on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) Industry. Panelists included: Brian Crouse, Vice President of Education, Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Patrick Sly, Executive Vice President, Emerson; Derek Bartlem, Head of Research, USA KWS Gateway Research Center; Ann Cuiellette Marr, Vice President of Human Resources, World Wide Technologies; Alan Spell, Research Manager, Missouri Economic Research and Information Center; and Roderick Nunn, Interim President, STLCC–Forest Park.

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