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Adobe Reader Installation Initialization Error Sims

Adobe Reader Installation Initialization Error Sims

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Webopedia's list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. Our site uses cookies. Find out more on our cookies page. To accept this and continue using the site, press Accept & continue.

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Alphabetic File Extension List. The file extension list you requested is shown on this page. It loads as a table so please give it a moment as some of the lists are quite long.

These lists contain basic information: the extension, the name of the program it works with, the specific function of the file, and the company that makes the program. Not all extensions have all of the data. Click on the extension of interest to see the detail page for that extension. Amazing Super Mario World Music Download Free Mp3. Total extensions in this particular list: 1.

Please honor the copyright on this list. Do not copy it and. Extension. Information. IC++ Preprocessor Intermediate File (Borland Software Corporation)IINTERCAL File IPhase Vocorder Analysis Data IProgress Database Include File (Progress Software Corporation)IUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IIntegra Database (Imagina Software)IAPLAC Source Code Data File (APLAC)I- Ei- Enforce Security File (ICM Conversions & Management)I0. Winter Windows Scheduler File I0. Winphone Phonebook I1.

Nokia Phone Logo File (Nokia)I1. Pixel Power Collage I1. Pixel Power Collage I1. CIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I1. IIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I2. CIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I2. DWyse Device Management Thin Client Disk Image File (WYSE)I2.

IIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I2. SInvision for m. IRC Settings I3. Modula- 3 Interface Source I3. CIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I3. FI3 Fax File (Interactive Intelligence Inc.)I3. IIBM Voice Type Language Newuser File I3. MLI3. ML Source Page I6.

Interactive. 66 Graphic Design Information IARoland Garros Tennis Person File IA6. IApproach Data File (Workfile) (Tdata, Inc.)IAFIAFA Document IAFQuikscribe Intelligent Audio File (Quikscribe Pty Ltd)IAFOutlook 9. E- mail Account Settings (Microsoft Corporation)IAFOutlook Express Account Settings (Microsoft Corporation)IAFInformer Configuration (Dataconomy)IAFWindows Live Mail Contacts Database (Microsoft Corporation)IAFAIAFA Document IAMInventor CAD (Autodesk, Inc.)IANSterling Software COOL Business Team Model File IAOImperium. AO Data File (Imperium)IAPASM Palette IAPTeam.

BG File IAPIguana Active Server Active Page Script (ILan Game)IARCD Katalog (KRISoftware)IASIguana Active Server Script (ILan Game)IAXIBM Image Access Executive Bitmap IB7. Pixel Power Collage IBAIBasic Source Code File IBAImage IBAInfo. Handler Infobase File (MDE Software)IBCIncredi. Bar Cursor File (Incredi.

Mail Ltd.)IBDMy. SQL - Inno. DB Database Table (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)IBDPDS Picture IBDWindows Installer File (Microsoft Corporation)IBFInstant Backup (Towodo Software)IBGBert's Dinosaurs File IBGNASA PDS Graphic Format IBGi. Bridge Project Workspace (i. Inc.)IBKICE Book Reader Professional Book File (ICE Graphics)IBK(Kodak) Imaging for Windows Bookmark (Microsoft Corporation)IBKNational Construction Estimator 3. Picture File IBKSound Blaster Instrument Bank (Creative Technology Ltd.)IBLIBasic Component Language File IBLPCLTool Index- by- Location File (Page Technology Marketing, Inc.)IBMArchdos Compressed File IBMCommodore Amiga Graphics IBPIso.

Buster CD/DVD Layout File (Smart Projects)IBQIso. Buster Optical Media Data Container File (Smart Projects)IBSIncredi. Bar Skin (Incredi. Mail Ltd.)IBSi. 2 i.

Base File IBTIBTracer Infiniband Link And Protocol Analyzer Infini. Band Trace File (Computer Access Technology Corporation)IBXInterscope Black. Box File IBYROM Image Component Include File ICModula- 3 M3. CG Intermediate Language File ICSpice Initial Condition ICUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICICwin Climatizaci!

Compressed Archive (Reeve Soft)ICEICEOWS Compressed File (Rapha. Glynn Color Tablecolor Table ICMICC Profile, Acer Monitor Drive ICMImage Color Matching Profile File (Kodak)ICMWindows Color Matching Control (Microsoft Corporation)ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol ICMSRagtime Extensions File ICNAT& T Graphic Format ICNBert's Dinosaurs File ICNIcon Programming Language Source Code File ICNMicrografx Icon ICNRIPTerm Image ICNSun. OS Mono Icon ICNUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICNHP Palmtop 1. LX Icon ICNSMacintosh OS X Icon File (Apple Inc.)ICOGIMP Icon (The GIMP Team)ICOWindows Icon (Microsoft Corporation)ICOSun Icon/Cursor ICOOS/2 Icon ICONUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) icon.

UNIX Icon/Cursor ICON2. Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICONESUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICONSUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICONS1. Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICONS2. Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) ICPIdentity Compass Encrypted Profile (Identity Compass International Gmb. H.)ICPIcarus 2. 0 (Random Software)ICPInter. Cept File ICPUNIX Icontact Parameter File ICPRArt.

Icons Pro Icon. Project (Aha- Soft)ICQICQ Saved File (ICQ Inc.)ICRNCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster Graphic ICSImage Cytometry ICSInovate 3. D CAD File ICSIron. CAD 3. D CAD File ICSOutlook Calendar File (Microsoft Corporation)ICSSwift. View ICS Command File (Swift.

View, Inc.)ICSi. Calendar Calendar Data (Apple Inc.)ICSCopy. Control Generic Copier Floppy Disk Image (Microcosm Ltd.)ICTTIFF and ISO Image Related File ICTXHome Organizer Transport Container (Imagery Concepts, LLC)ICTXFile. Pic Transport Container (Imagery Concepts, LLC)ICVBond . AVI Film ICVIn Chair Viewing ICWIcon ICWInter. CAD File ICWMS Internet Explorer Internet Connect Wizard ICXMore Than Words File ICXVisual.

Age Smalltalk Enterprise Program Image File (IBM)IC! Project Management Database (SYCON Gmbh)IDCCore IDC IDCIDA C- like Language Source Code IDCInternet Database Connector Document IDCStructured Query Language (SQL) IDDMIDI Instrument Definition IDDComplete Works Database- related File (Toplevel Computing)IDEide. CAD Architectural Architectural 3. D Design Model (ide. YAPI Ltd. Sti.)IDEide. CAD Structural Structural 3.

D Design Model (ide. YAPI Ltd. Sti.)IDEC++ Project (Borland Software Corporation)IDEGrand Theft Auto III Model IDs and Properties (Rockstar Games)IDEIntegrated Development Environment Configuration File IDESophos Anti- Virus Virus Identity File IDEABrainbloom Document (Gael Limited)IDEASUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IDEMOInstant Demo Project File (Net. Play Software)IDENTIFIERInternet Explorer Zone Identification Information (Microsoft Corporation)IDFInspire. Data File (Inspiration Software, Inc.)IDFARTi. SAN Real- time Studio ID IDFIdentification File IDFMIDI Instruments Definition File (Microsoft Corporation)IDFPrinted Circuit Board Data Exchange File IDIi- deas Web ACCESS File IDIFNetscape Saved Address Book IDKOS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)IDLCRi. SP Harvest File IDLOMG CORBA Interface Definition Language IDLSnappy Devdocs IDLVisual C++ Interface Definition File (Microsoft Corporation)IDLKIn.

Design Lock File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)IDMFahrenheit The Game - DAT + IDM Archive (Quantic Dream)IDMUlead Photo Express Messages File (Corel Corporation)IDMEFSnort File IDOLIdle Scripting Language Object Library - Bytecode (Thomas Lauer)IDQInternet Data Query File IDQStructured Query Language (SQL) Query IDRCompact. DRAW Object(s) (Media.

Chance)IDSMinos 3. D Data File IDSIDA Imported Names Format IDSInfini- D Scene File IDSInfinity Game Engine Numbers to Description Map (Bio. Ware Corp.)IDSWFO- A Data IDSPGamecube Streamed Audio File (Nintendo)IDTIdentification IDTOutput of DLL2. IDT Utility IDTText Archive Table IDTWindows Installer File (Microsoft Corporation)IDUInterleaf Desktop Utility (Broad. Vision)IDVInventor Design View Tree (Autodesk, Inc.)IDWIntelli.

Draw Vector Graphic (Adobe Systems Incorporated)IDWInventor CAD (Autodesk, Inc.)IDWORDCOUNTUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IDXCa Visual Objects Platform for Developer (CAVO) Index File (CA)IDXRCA/Lyra Handheld MP3 Player Database Index (RCA)IDXVSFilter Index File IDXComplete Works Index File (Toplevel Computing)IDXNo. X IDXJava Applet Cache Index (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)IDXArc.

View Geocoding Index For Read- Only Datasets (ESRI)IDXClip Gallery 1. Index (Microsoft Corporation)IDXCorel Quick. Finder Information IDXFAX File IDXFox.

Pro Index (Microsoft Corporation)IDXICQ Index (ICQ Inc.)IDXIndex IDXPro/ENGINEER Index File (PTC)IDXLa. Te. X Index IDXOutlook Express Mailbox Index (Microsoft Corporation)IDXStork Format Header Information IDXSymantec Q& A Relational Database Index File (Symantec Corporation)IDXAOL Temporary Internet Mail File IDYDebug Information File IDYIndex File IDZi- deas Web ACCESS File ID. IGPIgor Reader Sheet Music File IGPIGOR Player File (Elmer Productions)IGPInfo. Gest Configuration/Profile Settings (S.

C. NVN Group S. R. L.)IGRSmart. Sketch Drawing (Intergraph Corporation)IGSCAD Overlay IGSIGES- Format IGSImage Systems Grayscale, 8- bits IGVin. SORS IGClient Venue File IGXi. Grafx i. Grafx File (i.

Grafx)IHPWatcom Help File IHSBink Inbound History IHTIntranet Connector Script File (SCORT)IHTMLInline Hyper. Text Markup Language (Inline Internet Systems, Inc.)IIGcc Preprocessed C++ Source Code IIUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) II2i- Installer Remote Installation Format (Gerben Wierda & Tom Hageman)IIBNotes Incremental Install Backup File (IBM)IIDi- Installer i- Directory (Gerben Wierda & Tom Hageman)IIDTonline BSW4 Fnstall Lid File IIEUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IIFQuick. Books Import/Export Interchange File (Intuit, Inc.)IIGSUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IIIUnknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) IIIKnow Your Stuff Home Inventory File (Insurance Information Institute)IIIARC+ Drawing (ACA)IIIIntel IPhone Compatible File (Intel)IILNorton Clean.

Sweep Installation Log (Symantec Corporation)IIMInshape Graphic IIMInterscope Install. Master Setup Project IIMi. Opus Internet Macro (i.

Click OK to terminate. Cause. This error message means that the user concerned doesn't have read access to some system file required by the application. But it can occur if read access is not permitted for any DLL, OCX or other component used by. It usually only occurs if the software components have been manually copied to the application folder or. Windows System folder instead of being installed using the Setup program provided by the application developer. Log in to the system using a username that has administrator rights.

Open a command prompt, then type the command: CACLS < full- path- to- file> /E /G BUILTIN\Users: Rwhere < full- path- to- file> is the full pathname of the runtime file or other component to which the application. If you don't know the identity of the file that is causing the problem, you could try giving all users read access to all. DLL and OCX files in the application folder and the Windows System folder: CACLS %systemroot%\System. E /G BUILTIN\Users: R.

CACLS %systemroot%\System. E /G BUILTIN\Users: RThere is really no reason why any user should not have read access to any shared system files.

Adobe Reader Installation Initialization Error Sims
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