Download Video Fatality Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Cheats

Download Video Fatality Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Cheats

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Download Video Fatality Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Cheats

The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks for PlayStation 2 (PS2).

Raiden (also known as Lord Raiden, and sometimes spelled Rayden) is a video game character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series by Midway Games. Now here's a solid reason to run out and buy a Game Gear: Acclaim's Mortal Kombat for the Game Gear is everything its 16-bit big brother is, plus it's portable.

Press X on a controller. If you have less Sapphire than the displayed number, both players should drop to zero, then it should read 1. Go into the Krypt and you should have a large number of Koins. Infinite Koins. Use the . It should be on Onyx Koins.

Change the type of Koin to Sapphire, and a large negative number should appear. Then, change the type to the Koin of your choice and press X on controllers one and two. Press R2 on controllers one and two, and you should see the same number of 1. Koin you just set the wager for. Change the type of Koin being wagered to either of the ones that say 1.

Cchange the type of Koin to another that you want to have unlimited of. Then, repeat for all the Koins so that they all say 1. Koins. Do a fight, have either player win, and both profiles will have unlimited Koins. Play as Blaze. Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Raiden at the character selection screen and hold Down. Play as Mokap. Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Cyrax at the character selection screen and hold Down.

Play as Raiden easier. Open the FN Krypt first to get 1. XG Krypt to unlock Raiden. Alternate costumes. After the appropriate costumes are unlocked in the Krypt, press Start at the character selection screen to access the new costume.

Random character select. At the character selection screen, highlight Shang Tsung (for player one) or Quan Chi (for player two), then hold Up + Start.

Versus mode stage select. Press L2 before either player chooses a character to get a screen with a screenshot of a stage. Then, press Left or Right to change it to the desired stage. Versus mode skill select. Press L2 before either player chooses a character. FMV introductions. Allow the game to enter demo mode to see the FMV of the first Video Teaser from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance with Scorpion performing a Kata.

Other characters (Kitana, Quan Chi, and Frost) will perform a Kata as well. Background FMV sequence. At the main menu, press Triangle and a movie screen will appear. It shows the story leading up to the start of the game. Play as Cyrax easier. You would have to have at least 4. Ruby Koins and open Krypt PD (to get 1.

Platinum Koins) and get the rest of 3. CN for Cyrax. You can get extra Platinum Koins in the following Krypts: FV (8. Platinum Koins needed for 2. Koins); PK (1. 57 Platinum Koins needed for 4.

Platinum Koins); WS (4. Onyx Koins needed for 1. Platinum Koins); and NG (6. Sapphire Koins needed for 2. Platinum Koins). Defeating Moloch. Play as Quan Chi, draw your weapon, then hold Away and press Square, Triangle(2).

Keep repeating this for an easy win. Faster Test Your Might mini- game. To end the . You do not have to hold it for the full amount of time.

Easy wins. Note: This trick can only be done with Sub- Zero, Kung Lao, Li Mei, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Frost, Reptile, or Kitana. You can impale your weapon into your opponent, making them lose life every second. The move varies, and with some you have to press the D- pad and the button. To find the correct move, press Start, select . All of them have to be close range, but Kitana can throw her steel fans. However if it hits and they block or dodge it, you cannot use it again until the end of the match. Monk movement. Remain idle long enough during Konquest mode and the .

In the second round, impale your opponent with your weapon. Select versus mode and load a profile for each fighter. Each fighter must have some number of each Koin. Do a Wager then after that match is over, have only one player press R2.

Press Right and you will hear the sound, then press Up to bet Koins. Press R2 again and play that match. The winner will get the coins, but the loser will not lose any.

Go back and forth with each fight to make each gain more Koins, thus making each match worth more because you can wager more. Keep holding Up until you do not hear the sound anymore to bet the maximum amount in time.

Use the following to learn what Koins you are betting, as you will not be able to see: Press Right, Up: Onyx. Press Right(2), Up: Jade.

Press Right(3), Up: Ruby. Press Right(4), Up: Gold. Press Right(5), Up: Platinum.

Press Right(6), Up: Sapphire. Additionally, enter the versus menu and load a profile for each player. Press R2 to display the wager screen. Then, max out the wager for one Koin type and select .

Back at the character selection screen, unload one profile then reload the same profile. Then, alternately unload the second profile and reload it. Press R2 to go into the wager screen again. If done correctly, you both should have won the amount of coins wagered. Repeat this for this same Koin type until you are satisfied.

Then, wager one final time for a few Koins and finally complete a battle. After returning to the character select screen, you must press Triangle to exit out and re- enter the versus menu. Repeat this for the other Koin colors. Note: Once you have 1.

Koins for one color, fight and save and redo it for the same color so you increase at a rate of 1. Koins per profile load/unload. Then, repeat at about 1. Also, when wagering hold Up on both controllers to increase the rate the Koin Kounter rises. Victory pose select.

Each character has three end- of- battle poses. Perform the following when the . Note: If you run out of time performing your fatality or if you end the match with your weapon, your character will automatically perform the pose of the last stance he or she was in. Strike your opponent in your character's first form. Strike your opponent in your character's second form.

Execute your characters fatality. Fatalities. Fatalities may be done from anywhere on screen. Note: Press L1 at the . Kung Lao Mortal Kombat 3 picture.

DC8. 38 Gold. Jax's alternate costume. ZM1. 41. 0 Jade. John Nocher. JN2. 52 Jade. John Podlasek. JP1. 69 Gold. John Vogel.

JV3. 34 Ruby. Johnny Cage. MA4. 71 Ruby. Johnny Cage alternate costume. DK1. 46. 0 Ruby. Johnny Cage video. JT2. 59 Platinum.

Jojutsu. VQ2. 41 Gold. Jon Greenberg picture. JG2. 72 Jade. Judo.

VR1. 74 Sapphire. Kabal's helmet. NO4. Jade. Kai sketch. UL2. 52 Jade. Kali Sticks and Nunchaku. VS2. 19 Onyx. Kama and Katana.

VT4. 05 Platinum. Kano. WZ1. 45 Onyx. Kano's alternate costume. BD1. 52. 0 Sapphire. Kano's cereal. CO1. Ruby. Kano's reminder. JW1. 64 Sapphire.

Karate. VU1. 80 Jade. Kenshi. QK2. 44 Ruby. Kenshi sketch. PM2. Onyx. Kenshi story sketch. SU1. 06 Sapphire.

Kenshi test render. YZ2. 55 Onyx. Kenshi; s alternate costume.

YM1. 43. 5 Platinum. Kenshi's glass eyes. NV2. 90 Gold. Kenshi's sword. HY4. 08 Sapphire. Ketchup And Mustard picture. YB3. 58 Jade. Kitana.

KI2. 93. 1 Sapphire. Kitana sketch. KE4. Gold. Kitana sketches. JQ2. 37 Ruby. Kitana sketches.

NI4. 22 Gold. Koin sketches. TJ2. 59 Sapphire. Konquest Mode concepts. HR1. 87 Jade. Konquest mode concepts. KO1. 97 Sapphire. Konquest Mode concepts. TH2. 82 Gold. Konquest Mode concepts.

XR2. 88 Ruby. Krypt concept. ZH3. 72 Sapphire. Kuatan Palace sketch. RM1. 82 Onyx. Kuatan Palace sketch. ZU2. 01 Platinum. Kuatan Palace stage.

JA1. 05 Gold. Kung Lao. SZ3. 22 Sapphire. Kung Lao render. PE3. Sapphire. Kung Lao sketch. AB1. 86 Sapphire. Kung Lao sketch. XS2. Platinum. Kung Lao's alternate costume.

YJ1. 20. 8 Ruby. Kung Lao's dragon sword. SS2. 14 Platinum.

Lava Shrine arena. II1. 84. 3 Gold. Lava Shrine exterior concept. IG2. 08 Gold. Lava Shrine Priests. IK5. 03 Platinum. Lava Shrine sketch. PQ2. 83 Sapphire.

Lava Shrine sketch. PZ1. 86 Jade. Lava Shrine sketch. RU1. 76 Onyx. Lava Shrine sketch. ZF2. 37 Ruby. Lei Mei sketch. JK2. 91 Jade. Li Mei. AC4. 24 Platinum. Li Mei sketch. DT3.

Ruby. Li Mei sketch. FE2. 42 Gold. Li Mei's alternate outfit. KX1. 40. 6 Sapphire. Lifeguard Sonya picture. DD3. 55 Gold. Lin Kuei Temple. QC2. 16 Platinum.

Lin Kuei Temple concept. BA2. 64 Onyx. Long Fist and Muay Thai. VV1. 92 Ruby. Luis Mangubat. LM1. 65 Onyx. Lung Hai Temple. MR4. 12 Ruby. Lung Hai Temple concept. Install Older Version Of Jre7. PA2. 72 Ruby. Lung Hai Temple sketch.

HN3. 82 Jade. Lung Hai Temple sketches. WU2. 56 Onyx. Lung Hai Termple sketch. QI1. 92 Sapphire. Malvado sketch. RY2. Onyx. Marsh concept.

XZ2. 55 Onyx. Mavado alternate costume. RD1. 45. 5 Jade. Mavado biography.

KF1. 28 Jade. Mavado Coat concept art. AM1. 92 Platinum. Mavado sketches. BS2. Sapphire. Mavado sketches. DR2. 73 Sapphire. Mavado sketches. QB2. Jade. Midway Creative Media.

LW3. 32 Gold. Midway Creative Media. RC2. 72 Ruby. Midway Movie Group. OI2. 63 Jade. Mike Boon picture. MB1. 88 Gold. Mike Taran. MT2. 27 Gold. Mokap.

YP5. 11 Gold. Moloch promo render. AK4. 32 Gold. Moloch promo render. YC2. 57 Platinum. Moloch sketches. AD9.

Sapphire. Moloch The Hobbyist picture. PS2. 94 Jade. Moloch's Ball sketches. MY1. 67 Jade. Moloch's Lair arena. ZD9. 8 Ruby. Mortal Friday. XU1. 94 Onyx. Mortal Kandies.

OO2. 74 Onyx. Mortal Kombat 2 arcade. QW2. 33 Ruby. Mortal Kombat 2 arcade board. JO1. 61 Onyx. Mortal Kombat 2 arcade cabinet security panels. AE1. 18 Onyx. Mortal Kombat 2 arcade marquee. YI1. 97 Gold. Mortal Kombat 2 characters.

FO7. 6 Ruby. Mortal Kombat 2 Print Ad. DP2. 24 Jade. Mortal Kombat 3 arcade cabinet. FJ1. 79 Ruby. Mortal Kombat 3 arcade marquee. EG7. 4 Platinum. Mortal Kombat 3 behind the sceens. XI4. 57 Platinum. Mortal Kombat 3 behind the scenes. DU3. 68 Onyx. Mortal Kombat 3 characters.

XT6. 5 Jade. Mortal Kombat 3 home version. WR1. 25 Ruby. Mortal Kombat 3 home version. YR1. 43 Gold. Mortal Kombat 3 print ad. RE1. 07 Sapphire. Mortal Kombat 3 promo art.

QL4. 88 Sapphire. Mortal Kombat 3 Scorpion vs. Jade. NP5. 25 Platinum. Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate print ad.

ES1. 67 Platinum. Mortal Kombat 4 arcade marquee. SX2. 15 Onyx. Mortal Kombat 4 Arena concept video.

QD2. 64 Sapphire. Mortal Kombat 4 Characters.

Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks ROM (ISO) Download for Sony Playstation 2 / PS2. Game Info. Game: Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks.

File Name: Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks. File Size: 1. 7. 0 GBGenre: Fighting/Beat 'Em Up.

System: Sony Playstation 2. Downloads: 7. 60,5. Rating: (4. 8. 6/5, 4,7.

Download Video Fatality Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Cheats
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